Tuesday, October 16, 2007



Jeana said...

Louisiana what?! Are you moving???

Jon Martin said...

Very Exciting, Look forward to hearing the details.

Dad =o)

Anonymous said...

So what does NPJ 776 stand for? Or are those just random??? I am so excited and who knows, now we may be able to visit Louisiana ;o)

love you both, moM

Scott & Jennifer said...

Well, we're not MOVING, but Scott has accepted a job that will give us the opportunity to go back-and-forth monthly between Louisiana and Utah...

STEPH-I got your message, I've just been running from work to my class...class doesn't get over until 11pm...I'll catch up with you this weekend.

Mom-the numbers are random, it's just a picture from the internet.
We decided that we had to move out of state just to get you to come see us. Because if we stay here in utah we're just used as an in-be-tween... :-)


Jeana said...

Jen, Thanks for the links about Lafayette. Very cool place and it sounds like it has a lot of cultural things to do. The last link about the apt. didn't work.

aaron and joni said...


where's my Lafayette info??????
I'm waiting sister :O)

Scott & Jennifer said...

Joni- I put links on the blog...

Bean-I'll change/fix the one about the apts. Thanks for letting me know.

Hait-through the eyes of my own camera - 2003