Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fall Tomatos

Well, we had a SMALL garden this summer. It consisted of mostly small yellow tomatoes that we never even ate. I've pulled all those out, but left the 3 red tomato plants that haven't produced anything all summer...until now. They got big FAST, but took quite awhile to redden up. Today we picked the 3 of the 4 that have been ready in the last couple of days. We weren't too sure if they'd be any good, but after our delightful tomato cheese sandwich last night. Oh, yumm, juicy and full of taste. We are looking forward to the next couple of days and our tomato meals.

1 comment:

Devin and Elle said...

Jenn you have to show your mom the picture i have of Down Town Julie Brown on my "BLOG"!!! Cause now we are so cool! ha ha love it see you later

Hait-through the eyes of my own camera - 2003